General Practitioner Workflow

Integrate our AI tool into your current workflow to streamline the referral pathway workflow, whilst minimising the risk of errors in paperwork and documentation.

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The General Practitioners (GPs) workflow is often laden with time-consuming and repetitive tasks. GPs face the challenge of manually transcribing consultations, generating consult and client summaries, and crafting accurate referral letters. These tasks not only consume valuable time but also increase the risk of errors due to their manual nature.


Our innovative AI tool efficiently handles repetitive manual tasks, such as automating consultation transcriptions and generating consult and client summaries. It further considers different referral pathways and prepares an accurate and detailed referral letter ready for use. GPs can now focus more on delivering patient care and important decision-making processes, while our AI tool streamlines the administrative aspects of the referral pathway workflow. This ultimately enhances the overall efficiency and quality of healthcare delivery.

Our Differentiators

Digital tools such as CRMs and Excels are primarily designed for record-keeping, however, these tools by themselves can not get the job done. Users still rely on manual task execution, leading to increased administrative burdens. However, our AI-powered workflow automation efficiently streamlines and automates tasks, prioritising end-to-end task completion.

Accuracy and Precision

Beyond its rapid processing speed, our system distinguishes itself with accuracy and reliability surpassing human capabilities.

Data Privacy and Protection

Our commitment to data security is unwavering. With a locally deployed system and proprietary AI models, your data remains safeguarded and never ventures online.

Human-Centric Approach

We uphold clinical integrity by leaving key decision-making processes in the capable hands of specialists. Our technology does not engage in any clinical decision-making processes or selecting practitioners.

Explore Our Other Workflows

We are continuously improving our AI models to best fit your workflow.

Mental Health

See what our solutions offer the Mental Health sector.


See what our solutions offer the Radiology sector.

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