Why is Facere a Game Changer for Mental Health industry where people are crying for help?

On Thursday 31 October 2019, the Productivity Commission released its Draft Report. The Productivity Commission estimates that mental ill-health and suicide are costing Australia up to $180 billion per year and treatment and services are not meeting community expectations. “Mental ill-health has huge impacts on people, communities and our economy but mental health is treated as an add-on to the physical health system. This has to change,” Productivity Commission Chair, Michael Brennan said.

The combination of COVID-19, higher interest rates, and high inflation is putting additional strain on the economy and impacting various sectors. In 2021. Over 2 in 5 (44%, or 8.6 million) Australians aged 16-85 are estimated to have experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life, with 1 in 5 (21%, or 4.2 million) having experienced a mental disorder in the previous 12 months.

An estimated 8,589,100 Australians aged 16-85 have experienced a mental disorder in their lives

  • Anxiety disorders (such as Social Phobia) are the most common type of disorder, affecting 1 in 6 (17%, or 3.3 million) Australians, followed by Affective disorders (such as Depressive Episode) (8%), and Substance Use disorders (such as Alcohol Dependence) (3.%).
  • Almost 1 in 7 (14%) children and adolescents aged 4-17 years are estimated to have experienced a mental illness in the previous 12 months.
  • 5% or 800,000 people are estimated to have a severe mental illness, of which 500,000 people have episodic mental illness and 300,000 have persistent mental illness.
  • Mental and substance use disorders were the second largest contributor (24%) of the non-fatal burden of disease in Australia.

Due to shortage of staff, a large percentage of mental health hotline calls were unanswered and counsellors are stuggling to cope with people needing help. For example, up to 60% of calls to South Australia's mental health triage line go unanswered, nursing union finds.

Also more than half of children who contact a free national phone counselling service are unable to get through, as demand for mental health support increases.

Some 328,424 children contacted the Kids Helpline last year but only two in five were able to reach a counsellor due to a shortage of counsellors, new data shows.

To cope with the crisis, Facere's advanced AI algorithms and tools are specifically designed to revolutionize the mental health industry. Let's delve into how they can make a remarkable difference:

  1. Hotline live voice Transcription: Our cutting-edge AI-powered systems transcribe voice conversations in real-time, ensuring meticulous documentation of hotline calls. Mental health professionals can now efficiently review and analyze these conversations, streamlining their follow-up procedures.

  2. Automatic Form Filling: Say goodbye to tedious administrative tasks! Facere's AI algorithms can automate the process of filling out forms effortlessly. Mental health professionals can now devote more time to patient care, knowing that form completion is taken care of seamlessly.

  3. Instant Doctor Matching: Our AI-based systems leverage advanced analytics to analyze patient data, preferences, and availability. This empowers mental health professionals to effortlessly match individuals with the most suitable doctors, enhancing accessibility and optimizing patient outcomes.

  4. Fast Report Summary: Leveraging the power of AI algorithms, Facere can swiftly analyze patient reports, extracting crucial information and providing concise summaries. This enables mental health professionals to expedite their decision-making processes, treatment planning, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

  5. Voice Record Processing: With our AI capabilities, we can process recorded voice data, analyzing speech patterns, emotional cues, and linguistic features. This invaluable analysis assists in assessing and monitoring mental health conditions, providing deeper insights for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.

  6. Counselor Decision Making: Our AI algorithms act as trusted decision support tools, utilizing patient data, treatment guidelines, and clinical research to empower mental health counselors. They can make well-informed decisions regarding diagnoses, treatment plans, and interventions, elevating the quality of patient care.

  7. Free Translation: Facere's exceptional language processing abilities enable accurate translation across hundreds of languages. This fosters effective communication between mental health professionals and patients, breaking down language barriers and ensuring inclusivity.

  8. Addressing the counselor shortage issue: Facere's AI-powered systems provide real-time hints and support to counselors during patient interactions. This significantly reduces training periods, while also minimizing the negative impact of challenging scenarios and improve long-term retention rates for counselor. We're actively addressing the pressing counselor shortage issue.

With Facere's state-of-the-art AI capabilities, we're revolutionizing the mental health landscape, optimizing efficiency, accessibility, decision-making processes, and ultimately improving patient outcomes. Don't miss out on the transformative power of our solutions. Contact info@facere.ai now for a product demo!